Art, like food, requires us to
“Show Up"
Penczart is a subconscious pictorial history of a life. There is no timeline and no sense of purpose or place. The “art works” present a series of NOWS that leave the observer searching
for meaning or just appreciating the art.
Good art is like good food, each of us is the best judge.
Pick a category and enjoy
Hello, I'm Jack Penczar
Hi, welcome to my art (not food) truck. Food feeds our bodies. Art feeds our souls. We have all
experienced the artistic creations of others. Now I am continually preparing and serving creations from my personal art kitchen. My purpose is to share a lifetime of experiences with you through my artwork. I “cook-up” these visual memories from my subconscious. And yes, I invite you to purchase and share the images and this website with others. Just remember, “We are not searching for the truth. Searching is the truth!”.